Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It's been a while since I updated this, but my resolution is to stay caught up and expand the blog to include pictures and videos - I even bought a video camera to do this but haven't learned how to use it yet.  Did I mention how "un-techy" I am?  Twisters are still going strong - for 2 weeks we actually had some inventory and I could help out a couple quilt shops who couldn't get them.  Now we are rapidly getting orders out to distributors again, but we are hopeful to build some inventory too.  I have a distributor in Canada who I would like to help out if I can for our neighbors to the north.  I have also started my 2nd book.  I brought my box of samples from Moda down to KS with me while we were there having a late Christmas with our 4 grandsons, daughter and son-in-law.  The boys slept in one morning and parents were off to work, so I had about 2 uninterrupted hours that I really started to plot out some of my ideas with fabrics.  Now, I have to get these going by sewing samples and see if the ideas will actually work.  Other pattern makers are also putting out some patterns for the twister now and I find that very exciting.  So just "Keep Twisting"